Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Hero's Homecoming

Dearest Tilly,

I am home, I am home, I am home: what a wonderful thing to say. A magnificent thing to say. The best thing a person can say. Yes, there were points when I struggled during my time in The District and I even became frustrated with the prospects of returning home. But Hell, I made it Tilly. And it is great to be back.

After leaving your good company in The New Yorke, I arrived safely in Austin by aeroplane. As soon as I set foot off the vessel I heard cheering Tilly, cheering. All of the inhabitants of this great city were there to greet me with accolades and ‘hurrahs’ and warm loving embraces. It was a homecoming fit for a queen. It was the hero’s homecoming.

The crowd engulfed me as I got off the landing strip and into a motorcade; I was driven past the hill country, past Zilker Park, past Auditorium Shores; I was driven into the heart of the city, straight down Congress Avenue. A marching band proceeded ahead of me and tickertape fell from the sky. We surged ahead to the Capitol, and it was there that I met the Mayor. Wearing his top hat, monocle, and unwavering pride on his shoulder, he grasped my hand and placed something in my palm. It was a key, and not just any key, but a key to the city itself!

And then, a dirigible flew overhead and fireworks shot through the air. It was grand Tilly, absolutely grand; there is nothing in the world as beautiful as this city of ours. I celebrated in the streets with the inhabitants from dawn until dusk and right as the sun was going to bed, who should serenade me but those lovable ragamuffins and precious scamps - Weezer. They knew I had arrived and played a fanfare, a selected group of their songs and the entirety of the Pinkerton phonograph record.

Stay strong Tilly, for it is only a matter of time before you escape those cowardly Yankees and join me in Austin. I look forward to your return; Austin looks forward to your return.

As always, give your mother my regards.
